What is PVC?

Polyvinylchloride known as PVC is a thermoplastic product manufactured from salt and petroleum. PVC used in the form of powder is one of the plastic types that are durable and commonly used.

What is Sound Insulation for Windows?

The most important problem for the living spaces located at the high streets, where there is a high level of noise, is the noise pollution. A good level of sound insulation is vital for a peaceful life in your home. There are there main aspects of the sound insulation for windows: the right profile, the right selection of glazing and, the right installation thereof.

What is the warranty period?

Warranty from Pimapen applies only to the products from Pimapen purchased from a Pimapen authorized point of sales. All the materials are under the scope of a 2-year warranty for problems other than those caused by a user error.

How to calculate the price for windows?

The linear meter is a unit of length that is used to calculate the length of a two dimensional material. The unit of measurement “linear meter” is used to calculate the total length of the main PVC profiles used in the window and door systems from Pimapen.

The linear meter is the basic unit of measurement and assessment that may be used in the production of PVC windows and the calculation of the prices thereof. However, this calculation using the linear meter as the unit of measurement does not include the categories of sills, accessories, glazing, marble, labor and installation.

What does the definition of Linear Meter cover for PVC Windows?

  • Main profiles (frame profiles, casement profiles, central profiles)
  • Support sheets inside the main profiles
  • Connectors (screws, central profile connection wedges, pullers)
  • Glazing beads
  • Gaskets

All the materials within the scope of the linear meter must be used due to the production technique of the PVC window. The quantity and shape as well as all the functions of these materials are identified in a way as to deliver the requested performance according to the project and, the PVC window systems could successfully pass the respective tests only if they employ all these features. Accordingly, no manufacturer of PVC windows may make any change to these materials and identified standards, which could negatively affect the performance.

And the functions outside the above-mentioned scopes are shaped in line with the requirements of the end consumer. While the price for a window from Pimapen is calculated, each of all these extra function demands is analyzed and evaluated accordingly. At this point, a good PVC manufacturer is expected to warn and inform the customer of any such requirement that is contrary to the technique so that the maximum level of benefit and satisfaction could be delivered from the products purchased. This makes it possible to create a more efficient and accurate system.

Other Information You Need When Calculating the Price of a Window from Pimapen;

  • PVC Joinery Price: Calculated by means of multiplying the length of the PVC joinery in meters with the sales price in terms of linear meter.
  • Equipment Price: Calculated according to the opening type of the PVC joinery.
  • Sill Price: Calculated by means of multiplying the length of sill in meters with the sales price in terms of linear meter.
  • Marble Sill Price: Calculated by means of multiplying the length of marble sill in meters with the sales price in terms of linear meter.
What is the price difference between white and colored window from Pimapen?

Prices may vary based on profile series and colors. To get information about the current price list, you can immediately contact our nearest dealer.

Is it possible to choose a different color for interior and exterior surfaces?

You are free to choose a color in harmony with the structure of the building without harming the look of the building for the exterior surface of the window and, in harmony with the architecture of your home for the interior surface of the window.

Is there a product for the window handle safety in my kid’s room?

It is important for the safety to choose a tempered or laminated glazing with the product you may choose out of the product range from Pimapen. You are recommended to prefer a double opening system called open-safe for the kid’s rooms to enhance safety.

Is there a product without a sill?

The product group called Infinity Lifting & Sliding is a system that could be used for a measurement class of 20 mm without a sill.

Relationship of Windows with Moisture

There is no gasket between frame and casement of a wooden window. Due to the structure of the window, the hot air that contains water vapor in excess goes out and, the cold and moisture-free air goes in. The coldest place in a room where a single glazing wooden window is located is the glazing surface, which is first the place where the vapor would condensate.

In case of a PVC window from Pimapen, there are rubber gaskets between the frame and casement, which offers the insulation of heat, air, water and noise. These gaskets reduce the possibility that the moisture is expelled outside by means of an air flow. The condensation would take place on the window and wall joint and the wall surface, not on the glazing surface. In order to avoid such condensation, it would be sufficient to open the two opposing casements of the window from Pimapen to ventilate the space at least two times a day. It is an advantage from the Pimapen window systems that the ventilation takes place under the control of the user and at any time as may be requested by the user.


  • The water vapor caused by cooking in the kitchen should be removed by means of a range hood and flue.
  • The bathroom and toilet should be ventilated after usage by means of the window from Pimapen.
  • In order to prevent the moisture from being spread to the other parts of the house, the doors of the kitchen and bathroom should be kept closed.
  • Each room of the house should be of 18-200C and, the wall surface temperature should be increased by means of heat insulation, if necessary.
  • Do not dry out the clothes inside the house and, if you have to do it, then keep the window open and the door closed in the bathroom.
  • Make sure that the rooms are of the same temperature. Keep the room doors open to ensure that the heat is spread evenly.
  • Prefer room heaters or central radiators since heaters such as gas stoves and catalytic heaters cause excessive amount of water vapor.
  • Never place teapots, laundry etc. on the stove and radiators.
  • Increase the ventilation time if there is a lot of flowers and an aquarium in the house.
  • During the cleaning of windows and floors with a damp cloth, ventilate the house until they are dried out.
  • Do not paint the walls and ceilings of the house with oil painting and, prefer plastic based wallpaper or plastic plaint instead.



A 10-minute ventilation by means of opening a single window from Pimapen (transom) would take 13% of the moist air out.
A 10-minute ventilation by means of opening the two opposite windows from Pimapen would take all the moist air out.


In case the moisten causes the formation of mold and black stains on the walls and cold surfaces, then the excessive moisture in the building must be eliminated.
In order to dry the building elements and internal spaces:
  • Increase the room temperature to 220C or more so that the building elements and articles are dried.
  • Open all the casements of the windows from Pimapen in the house so that the moisture from the heated articles would go out.

Repeat these two steps until all the building elements and articles in the house are fully dried out.

Use moisture absorbers available at construction markets if it is not possible to ventilate the place on a daily basis.

Relationship of Perspiration with Air Temperature

There is a maximum amount of water that could be within the air inside a house during the minimum and maximum temperatures.

Temperature °CMax Water gr/m3Temperature °CMax Water gr/m3


The less the air temperature is, the less the water vapor it could contain is.

The rate of humidity is also an important factor for perspiration. If there is an excessive amount of water vapor inside the air, then there would be perspiration when the air touches a surface with a temperature that is lower than the temperature in the room (such as glass).

Keep the moisture percentage in the room low, which is an important factor to prevent perspiration.

According to the respective scientific data, the moisture values of a room at a temperature of 18-20°C:

-If lower than 50%: Dry
-If between 50% and 60%: NORMAL
-If between 60% and 75%: Humid
-If more than 75%: Wet.
Sources of Moisture in a Building

The most important source of moisture in a building is the variety of the living functions. Cooking, laundry, clothes drying, wiping the floor, wiping the windows, water heating, ironing, watering the flowers etc. are the sources of moisture.

For example;
Moisture generated in 1 hour;
Laundry: 300gram/hour
Clothes Drying: 500gram/hour
Cooking: 1000gram/hour
Taking Shower: 2600gram/hour
Breathing of a person when resting: 40-50gram/hour
Breathing of a person when working: 70-80gram/hour
Breathing of a person when sleeping: 1000gram/hour

Gas fuels generally used in the houses cause a significant amount of water vapor during the burning. People start to feel uncomfortable when the carbon dioxide in the air hits 0.1%. A person turns 4% of the air value breathed in into carbon dioxide. How much a house should be ventilated is calculated considering this fact.

Moisture and Perspiration, Affect thereof on Materials
Changes in the building techniques in the early 20th century, differences in human life and, development of industries caused the damages in the buildings due to perspiration. There was no layer that could prevent the current during the transition of water vapor since small stones, bricks, adobe, plaster etc. were used in old buildings.
But today, modern methods are used in order to prevent perspiration on the interior surface of the walls resulting in an improved resistance to heat transmission of the walls and, the walls started to be constructed in layers using heat insulation materials.
However, it is unavoidable that swells, cracks and mold growths occur as a the negative effects of perspiration on the wall surfaces and coatings, plasters and paintings when the application is wrong and, the required measures fail to be taken. Vapor-proof coating materials on the exterior walls such as mosaics, tiles and glass cause the water vapor condensate inside the walls. These facts indicate that the ventilation of rooms is not enough by itself under the today’s building conditions.
What are Moisture and Perspiration?

The phenomenon called moisture (humidity) is the water inside the air in the form of vapor. A certain amount of the water in the air condensate as the form of vapor resulting in perspiration. The amount of water that could be kept in the air under certain temperatures is called the saturation point.

What is a French Balcony?
A balcony door is one of the connections of your house to the outside. A French Balcony is a type of balcony, where there is a protrusion of 50 cm at maximum and, a guard-rail. A French Balcony is of single glazing and, may consist of single or double casement. It could be used in connection with the sliding door systems from Pimapen.
A large size of door in the French Balcony requires a higher level of insulation and, higher quality of materials. PVC doors from Pimapen are widely preferred for balconies since they are more useful and safe just like the windows from this brand. The PVC door systems from Pimapen deliver the best performance in terms of the insulation of heat, sound, dust, air and water. And the quality of glazing is of a supplementary factor in this respect.
One should be careful that the selection of the PVC balcony door is in harmony with the building structure. This makes certain that the doors serve perfectly. In addition, the PVC doors from Pimapen employ the quality equipment in terms of safety thanks to extra safety locks.
Cleaning for Windows

Protection and Cleaning of Windows During the Construction:

The windows must be fully covered with a painter foil (masking tape) during the performance of any type of work which would result in the contamination of the windows (e.g. plastering, painting, concreting etc.)
Any type of contamination, in particular, those caused by mortar and construction materials should be immediately cleaned without scrapping them off. Otherwise, they would harm the characteristics of the profile and glazing surface causing them to become dull.

Do not work with heat source tools (e.g. welding machines etc.) near the windows. These may irreparable damages around the windows and on the glazing.

Clean the channels that drain out water from the windows by means of the spike end of a vacuum cleaner and then a damp cloth after the construction works have been completed. Make sure that the water discharge hole is not obstructed. Clean these parts from time to time in order to keep them open, which will ensure that you get a better performance. Remove the profile protection bands and the manufacturer’s stickers on the glazing at this time.

The first cleaning for the windows should be carried out with a plenty of water. Otherwise, dust and sand grains stick thereon would cause scratches on the surface!

The protection bands on the windows must be removed once the windows have been properly installed. Keep the protection bands until the construction works have been completed in order to ensure that the window surfaces are not harmed if the construction works are in progress in the building (plastering, painting etc.). These bands may be strongly attached to the window surface if they are exposed to the sun rays for an extended period of time. In such case, use a tool blowing hot air (a hair dryer etc.) on the protection band for about 1 minute in a distance of 10-15 cm away and, pull and remove the band before it gets cold again.

Do not expose the protection bands to the sun rays for an extended period of time.

Periodic Cleaning of Windows:

Various gases, soot, vapor, dust, smoke etc. emitted from chemical facilities (factories, refineries, waste water treatment plants etc.), contaminated streams, the chimneys of houses and buildings, where unqualified coal is used, contribute to the air pollution.
One could ever increasingly see humid areas and mold stains on the interior sides of the external walls and behind the furniture, in particular, during the winter months. And in case of an advanced stage, mold fungus grow spreading a smell of mold. Moisture due to the conditions in your apartment (use of stove or radiator, cooking, laundry, dishwashing, drying, water vapor from the bathroom, the people by themselves, flowers we grow etc.) accumulate on the cold spaces and surfaces, resulting in contamination, mold growth, staining and other bad appearances, in particular, on the interior sides of the external walls as well as columns and beams, where there is a lack of good heat insulation, and the furniture and articles with a cold surface.
A combination of the internal and external negative effects listed above with the other factors (sun, oxygen, water) might cause contamination on windows. (This may happen on any type of windows.)
Contamination may take place not only on the interior side but also the exterior side of the windows. Frequency and percentage of the contamination may vary depending on the respective region, building, location and room, or there may be no contamination at all. This may happen over a long period of time or within a short period of time. These completely depend on the respective external factors.
Use liquid or cream detergents without any abrasive and, a white, soft piece of cloth when cleaning the windows under normal conditions. Clean the interior and exterior surface of the windows using a piece of cloth soaked with detergent, repeat this for a few times, and then dry without applying excessive force.
In order to minimize the damage on the windows from external factors, clean the interior and exterior surfaces of the windows within 15-day periods on average.
The more you delay on the cleaning, the harder the cleaning becomes for windows, and the negative factors will increase depending on the level of air pollution.

When cleaning the windows;

  • Do not use solvents such as acetone, methylene, chlorite, thinner, gas oil, gasoline, diesel oil etc., powder or liquid detergents containing solid particles, wire wools, sandpaper, which could result in scratches!

Avoid the metal equipment (espagnolette, locking parts etc.) being in touch with water and soap during the cleaning and, dry immediately if they are in touch.

In case of intense contamination, first wipe the surface with a cleansing with laundry bleacher features. Soak a white piece of cloth with laundry bleacher, and scrub on the contaminated surfaces for a few times. Dry the window when the contamination is eliminated, and then clean the window following the above-mentioned procedures.
Once all these procedures have been completed, in order to delay the contamination, soak a piece of cloth with a light, liquid detergent and, apply on the window surface in the form of a very thin, wet layer. Do not dry the surface after this final treatment.
In case of cleaning a coated and painted product from PIMAPEN, use only liquid detergent with a piece of cloth to wipe the surface for a few times only to remove the dust on eth surface without using excessive power.

Cleaning the Glazing:

  • Use hot water and a clean piece of cloth to get the best result. You may add some detergent to the water if the glazing is excessively contaminated.
  • Special cleaning instructions apply to the double glazing with special coating on the external surface (e.g. sun protection glazing). Ask for help from your dealer if you need these instructions.
  • Caution: Avoid using abrasive maintenance and polishing materials during the use of the glazing. Likewise, remember not to use scratching tools and razor blades since this could result in scratches on the surface.
  • It is possible to install double glazing instead of single glazing only changing the glazing beads.
  • You may use a ventilation profile on your joinery by means of changing the glazing.


These are the vent-holes that could be used on all the series for constant air flow. Use the sliding cover moving left or right to turn it on or off accordingly.

A ventilation profile is specifically recommended for such locations, where there is an intense level of vapor, contaminated air and moisture.


There is no gap on the joinery from Pimapen, which gaps could be found on the old types of windows. Therefore, the air leaking through the gaps between frames and casements of the previous types of joinery will not be able to enter, and thus your house will not be ventilated in this way. However, you are able to arrange the ventilation for your house with the windows from PIMAPEN according to your needs and, enjoy the heat saving and healthy ventilation.
The humidity rate in the room gets higher as a result of various activities such as breathing, sweating, cooking, washing the clothes, taking a shower, drying clothes in the room etc. For example: A person could give out water vapor of about 1 to 1.5 liters at night by means of breathing. An increase of the humidity rate in your house as a result of these factors causes the formation of moisture particles and mold on the joinery and glazing surfaces.

Condensation on the interior side of the glazing is the indication that there is no sufficient level of ventilation!

Regular ventilation of the rooms prevents the increase of the humidity rate and, thus the negative effects thereof.

Ventilate your house at certain intervals. The best way for ventilation is to make sure that the air takes a full flow within the room.  (Air draught)

The best method is a 10-minute ventilation by means of keeping the opposite windows open.

  • A ventilation time of about 5 to 10 minutes would be sufficient to replace the used, moist air with the clean, cold yet less moist one. The air gets warm to the room temperature immediately after the windows are closed. Any ventilation for a longer period of time cause the internal walls to get colder unnecessarily and, is not considered economic in terms of energy technique.
  • Ventilate your room for 2 or 3 times during the day depending on your usage.
  • Open the window casement all the way during the ventilation.
  • Make sure that only the clean air outside is used during the ventilation and, the moist air should never be circulated in the other rooms of the house.
  • Follow the above-mentioned instructions for ventilation during rainy weather.
  • It is easier to identify the right ventilation term during the cold seasons.
You see that the exterior side of the glazing immediately becomes misty when you open a door or window. You may close the door or window when this mist disappears. This is the indication that the polluted air (moist air) has been completely replaced.
Windows Maintenance

Any Door and Window accessory is exposed to normal wear and tear as a result of daily usage thereof. Any weather change according to the seasonal conditions cause constant expansions on the building materials. This, of course, affects the joinery and the functions of the joiner as the case may be. Due to these reasons, the window accessories are designed in a way so that they could be fixed with a few adjustments.

Accessories Lubrication:
Just like for any mechanical part, the moving parts of the window accessories should be lubricated with a thin lubricating oil or greased with a solid oil (grease) so that they easily move and maintain their functions for an extended period of times.

Adjustment of the Window Handle:
The bolts on the window handle could come loose in time since it is constantly used and exposed to force. To tighten these bolts, slightly lift the handle chuck cover and turn at 90 degree, and tighten the bolds with the help of a screwdriver.

Window Gaskets:

Clean the black and gray gaskets on the window with soft soap on a regular basis will increase the level of softness and brightness and, facilitate the operation of the casements. In addition, you should check to see if the gaskets are out of the sockets and, manually put them in place in order to maintain the functionally thereof. Do not use pointed and sharp materials to put the gaskets in their places again, otherwise the gaskets might get damaged.

Ask for help from our dealers about the window accessory and equipment adjustments.